Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > Down by the riverside

Down by the riverside

dimanche 14 mai 2006

1 I’m gonna lay down my burden
Down by the riverside ter
’Going to lay down my burden
Down by the riverside
(Ain’t gonna) Study war no more

2 I’m gonna lay down my sword and shield

3 I’m gonna try on my long white robe

4 I’m gonna try on my starry crown

Enregistré par : Nat "king" Cole

Ain’t gonna study war no more - Nat "king" Cole

par : The Golden Gate Quartet

Down by the riverside - The Golden Gate Quartet

par : Tori Robinson with the Vintage Jazzmen

Down by the riverside - Tori Robinson with the Vintage Jazzmen

par : Louis Armstrong

Down by the riverside - Louis Armstrong and the Good Book

par : The Riverside Gospel Congregation

Down by the riverside - The Riverside Gospel Congregation

par : groupe vocal Chabada

Down by the riverside - Chabada

par : Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

Down by the riverside - Mavis Staples & Lucky Peterson

par : The Belleville a Capella Choir

Down by the riverside - The Belleville A Cappella Choir

par : Albert Ayler

Down by the riverside - Albert Ayler

par : Agnès Sarkis

Down by the riverside - Agnès Sarkis

par : Craig Adams

Down by the riverside - Craig Adams

et par : Sister Rosette Tharpe (compilation America ! vol.4)

Down by the riverside - Sister Rosetta Tharpe

ainsi que : Sister Rosetta Tharpe & Chris Barber orchestra (1957)

Down by the riverside - Sister Rosetta Tharpe & Chris Barber orchestra

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