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Heav’n, Heav’n

dimanche 14 mai 2006

1 I’ve got a robe, you’ve got a robe,
All God’s children got a robe
When I get to Heav’n I’m going to put on my robe
I’m going to shout all over God’s Heav’n

Heav’n, Heav’n Ev’rybody talking about Heav’n, ain’t going there
_Heav’n, Heav’n Shout all over God’s Heav’n.

2 I’ve got a shoe, you’ve got a shoe
All God’s children got a shoe
When I get to Heav’n I’m going to put on my shoe
I’m going to walk all over God’s Heav’n

3 I’ve got a-wings, you’ve got a-wings
When I get to Heav’n I’m going to put on my wings
I’m going to fly all over God’s Heav’n

4 I’ve got a harp, you’ve got a harp
When I get to Heav’n I’m going to play on my harp
I’m going to play all over God’s Heav’n

5 I’ve got a song, you’ve got a song
When I get to Heav’n I’m going to sing a new song
I’m going to sing all over God’s Heav’n

6 I’ve got a crown, you’ve got a crown
When I get to Heav’n I’m going to put on my crown
I’m going to shout all over God’s Heav’n

Enregistré par : Mahalia Jackson

Walk all over God’s Heaven - Mahalia Jackson

par : The Charioteers

All God’s chillun got shoes - The Charioteers

par : Marian Anderson

Heav’n Heav’n - Marian Anderson

par : Sister Rosetta Tharpe

Walk all over God’s Heaven - Sister Rosetta Tharpe

et par : Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

Heaven - Derek Lee Ragin & Moses Hogan

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