Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > I want to be ready

I want to be ready

dimanche 14 mai 2006

I want to be ready
I want to be ready
I want to be ready
To walk in Jerusalem just like John

1 John said that Jerusalem was four-square
Walk in Jerusalem just like John
I hope, good Lord, I’ll meet you there
Walk in Jerusalem just like John

2 Oh John, oh John, what did you say ?
That I’ll be there on the comin’ day

3 When Peter was preaching on Pentecoast
Oh, he was filled with the Holy Ghost !

Dans le disque des River lads

I wanna be ready - the River lads

Enregistré par : Nat "king" Cole

I want to be ready - Nat "king" Cole

par : Harlem Spiritual Ensemble

Ah wanna be ready - Harlem Spiritual Ensemble

par : The Harps of Melody

Walk in Jerusalem - The Harps of Melody

Par : The Harmonizing four

In Jerusalem The Harmonizing four

et par : Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

I wanna be ready - Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

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