Accueil > Les Negro spirituals > Le répertoire des Negro spirituals : textes et enregistrements > Listen to the lambs

Listen to the lambs

dimanche 14 mai 2006

Listen to the lambs, all-a crying
Listen to the lambs, all-a crying
Listen to the lambs, all-a crying
I want to go to Heaven when I die

1 Come on, sister, with your ups and downs
Want to go to Heaven when I die
The Angel’s waiting for to give you a crown
Want to go to Heaven when I die

2 Come on, mourner, and don’t be ashame
The Angel’s waiting for to write your name

3 Mind out, brother, how you walk the cross
Your foot might slip and your soul get lost

Enregistré par : Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

Listen to the lambs - Ruby Philogene & London Adventist Chorale

par : Roland Hayes

Hear the lamb’s a cryin’ - Roland Hayes

et par : The Golden Gate Jubilee Quartet

Listen to the lambs - The Golden Gate Jubilee Quartet


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